
A letter of gratitude!!

Dear Muri,

I can’t begin to explain to you what you mean to me now-a-days. “You are what I call my “Wonder Meal”!!

I have always obsessed over Adi’s diet, right from the time I knew he was lactose-intolerant. I was scared that the inability to have milk, would make him a weakling and I must thus be careful of what he eats. I have followed the paediatrician’s advice to the T, never trying to introduce anything in the diet without her approval.

So when 2 months ago, I was faced with the situation of giving Adi a light snack at around 6pm each evening, I was in a fix. My choices were limited – it was either biscuits or you! And thank God I chose you.

  1. You are way healthier!!
  2. You are quite filling and I don’t have to worry about feeds for the next 1.5 hours!
  3. You are so easy to carry around and serve. No mixing, stirring, etc!
  4. You are available everywhere! Whether it be at Bodo Amma’s bari, Dadai-Mimi’s bari, Thatha-Patti’s home or just about anywhere else!
  5. You sure did improve Adi’s grasping abilities. He can pick one of you, at a time now and actually put it in his mouth too!!
  6. You made Adi a little bit more independent; as it is the only meal as of now that he eats on his own!! (Don’t judge me for not trusting Adi with a spoon, I can’t afford to clean my mess and his :P)
  7. You are fun to eat! Adi loves to sit and eat his muri on his own and feed everyone else in the room too. He loves to sometimes pick up fistfuls of you and throw it up in the air, much to my dismay L
  8. I can pop in a few of you as I feed Adi too. No, I do not eat my son’s tiffin but it’s nice to eat too!
  9. You help me and my son bond better. I put you in my mouth, sticking out from between my lips, imagining them to be monster teeth (Ya, just like I did when I was a kid) and Adi can’t stop giggling when he sees me to that!

My only request to you, try not to spread yourself all over the room when Adi does throw you up in the air. Also try not to hide in all the nooks and corners of the house, either. You know maids of today, they really don’t clean that well. Adi being Adi, always manages to pick you up and pop you into his mouth along with all the dirt you accumulated. I really can’t be on red alert and eyes trained on him all the time. Also I don’t have the energy to sweep the house entirely.

So thank you for everything you have done for me and Adi. I will always remain indebted to you and ensure you are a regular part of our meals. I am waiting for the days when I can make jhal-muri from you, just the way amma made for me and pomps when we were kids. Oh! We are going to have so much fun, the three of us – Adi, You and me!!


A grateful amma

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